Afro Samurai

IMDB : In a strange world of swords, guns and kimonos, cell phones and cybernetic body parts – a black samurai, Afro Samurai, seeks revenge from a man named Justice who killed his father and also happens to be the #1 fighter in the world. After Afro earns the rank of #2 fighter needed to challenge the #1, he starts his lonely walk to revenge. He faces bounty hunters, bar thugs and fanatical monks – all of whom seem to have clues to the whereabouts of Justice and all of whom covet the position of #2 for themselves.


Challenge me, when you’re ready to duel a God!
Justice (Afro Samurai)


I can’t even take a warrior with such stupid hair seriously.
Jinnosuke “Kuma” (Afro Samurai)


Nothing personal. It’s just revenge.
Afro (Afro Samurai)


My tears have never stopped falling since that day.
Jinnosuke “Kuma” (Afro Samurai)


I’m glad to see you shed your imaginary friend.
Justice (Afro Samurai)

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